Events & Newsletters

  • Advent & Christmas Worship Services

    Old Testament Scripture is full of God’s promises, and many of them have to do with the Messiah, Christ! Both Messiah (Hebrew) and Christ (Greek) mean “the Anointed One.” Jesus is that Anointed One, the only one perfectly holy who can restore our broken relationship with our Father, the Only One who will perfectly fulfill God’s Promise of a Savior for all. 

    Wednesday Advent Dinners & Worship Services

    Wednesdays, December 4, 11, 18

    5:30pm  | Dinner Served in the Parish Hall

    6:15pm  | Hymn Sing in the Sanctuary

    6:30pm  | Traditional Service

    Livestream Link for all Advent Services

    Advent December 11 Worship Folder


    Christmas Worship Services

    Christmas Eve | Tuesday, December 24

    3pm & 7pm | Traditional Service

    5pm | Contemporary Service

    Christmas Eve Vigil | Tuesday, December 24

    11pm | Traditional Service with Communion

    Christmas Day | Wednesday, December 25

    10am | Traditional Service with Communion

    All the promises of God find their Yes in [the Son of God, Jesus Christ].

    That is why it is through Him that we utter our AMEN to God for His glory! 

    ~ 2 Corinthians 1:20

  • Voters' Assembly

    Sunday, December 8 | 12:15pm

    Save the date for our next Voters' Assembly on Sunday, December 8 at 12:15pm in the Sanctuary. The primary discussion will be the 2025 budget and approval of such. You may pick up a copy of the proposed budget in our Sanctuary Welcome Center or at the church office. If you have any questions, please email

  • Youth Christmas Party

    Sunday, December 8 | 4:30-7:30pm

    Xtreme & SHYP (5th-8th & 9th-12th grades) youth join us in the Parish Hall on Sunday, December 8, 4:30-7:30pm for games, food & a gift exchange! If you want to participate in the gift exchange bring a $10-$15 wrapped gift. RSVP to Sina so we know how much food to provide. 707-326-8666 or

  • Lutheran Chorale Concerts

    Sunday, December 8 | 2:30 & 6:30pm

    The Lutheran Chorale Christmas concerts will be on Sunday, December 8. Our concerts will feature a celebration of the nativity with hymns, songs, and carols from the British Isles. Thank you so much for your support of choral music in Colorado!

    2:30pm | Covenant Living of Colorado

    9153 Yarrow Street, Westminster, CO

    6:30pm | Concordia Lutheran Church

    13371 W Alameda Pkwy, Lakewood, CO

  • Active Seniors Luncheon

    Thursday, December 12 | 10:30am

    Please join us for the next Active Seniors Luncheon on Thursday, December 12. Coffee and Conversation begins at 10:30am in the Atrium, with Devotion, followed by lunch and a special program, starting at 11:15am in the Parish Hall. December's program is a joyful Christmas Carol Sing-a-long, with special guests from our Early Learning Center! No RSVP necessary, and a free will offering will be taken.

  • ELC Christmas Program

    Thursday, December 12 | 6pm

    Our Early Learning Center Christmas program: God Always Keeps His Promises! is December 12 at 6pm in the Gym. All are welcome! If you prefer an earlier “showing,” come to their rehearsal on December 12 at 10am

  • Desserts for ELC

    Thursday, December 12

    Calling all bakers (or those who can buy desserts from the store)! We’re looking to bless the Early Learning Center families after their Christmas Program by hosting a dessert reception in the back of the Gym on December 12.

    We need 400 cookies/bars/brownies/mini cupcakes- any sweets that can be eaten by hand. If you can bake or buy some goodies for us, please sign up below. 

    Please drop off your desserts by 1pm on Thursday, December 12. And if you love to talk to others, please consider being at the host table to meet & mingle with the ELC families! 


  • Breakfast with Baby

    December 14

    The November Breakfast with Baby event started our 7th year of serving families who need assistance with items for their infants. After a devotion in English and Spanish, breakfast was served to 40 individuals from 19 families. They then shopped for diapers, wipes, children’s clothing and other available items. For the December 14 event, Size 5 & 6 diapers and wipes are needed. Assistance in set up at 7:30 am, providing a casserole, serving, visiting with and helping parents shop is greatly appreciated. Thank you for continuing to share God’s love!

  • Sunday School Christmas Program

    Sunday, December 15 | 10:45am Contemporary Service

    Step into the story of Christmas as told through our Sunday School Christmas Program, 'Promises of Christmas' on Sunday, December 15 at our 10:45 am Contemporary Service!

    Our Sunday School children will bring to life the powerful Old Testament prophecies that foretold a Savior and show how these promises are gloriously fulfilled in the New Testament. Come celebrate the wonder of God’s faithfulness through song, story, and scripture!

    A joyful Christmas reception will follow. Don’t miss this inspiring program—bring family and friends to experience the true reason for Christmas.

  • Hiring Early Learning Center Teachers

    How often do you get the opportunity to change the world? Playing a vital role in forming the minds of young children allows you to do that! The education that a child receives at a young age has a huge impact on their future success in school and well into adulthood. Please joins us and become instrumental in that formative education! 

    Shepherd’s Early Learning Center is hiring full and part time teachers. Our job is rewarding, and collaborative and we get to have fun, get our silly on, and along the way meet our goal of teaching and nurturing children in a safe and loving environment.

    Our work environment includes: 
    Casual work attire 
    Lively atmosphere 
    Working with some pretty sweet kids! 

    We are seeking teachers to work in our growing program. It takes a special kind of person to work with young kids every day. The right candidate will have a heart for children and a collaborative approach to working with other adults on our team. If you are energetic, dependable, and passionate about working with children, we would love to talk to you. 

    $20 - $24 /hr. Full or Part Time
    Contact Kristen Hatton: 303-707-4379 ext. 379 
    Apply at Zip Recruiter :

  • Debt free shepherd

    Shepherd sent out a letter and pledge form to church members regarding our campaign to pay off our church mortgage. The pledge form had an incorrect date listed. Please note that pledge forms need to be returned by January 31, 2025. Any donations for the 2024 tax year would need to be donated by December 31, 2024. You can also give through Elexio and select 'Debt Free Shepherd'.

  • Table Talks A-Z Podcast

    Table Talks A-Z is a podcast series where Michael Amidei of Shepherd's 'Infinite Grace' and Pastor Greg Zillinger discuss the Christian faith from A to Z. Whether you're a lifelong Christian or just starting to explore your faith, Table Talks A-Z is a great place to start. The hosts are engaging and informative, and they'll help you learn more about the Christian faith in a way that's easy to understand. 

    Table Talks A-Z Podcast

Missionary Monthly News

Check out the updates from our Missionaries throughout the world. Pray for all missionaries, that the Holy Spirit will open the hearts of the peoples throughout the world to know and hear the love of Jesus and the path to eternal life.  Also pray for the health and safety of all missionaries and their families. To read more about our missionaries, please click here.

Communications and Facilities Requests

Have an event you'd like to have at Shepherd, such as a party, committee meeting, basketball pick-up game, etc.? We now have an easier way to do a Facilities Request: an on-line format! This form is also for events you'd like advertised, such as Dads and Donuts, a Missions Food Drive, the Church Picnic, etc. Using this link helps both you and the Shepherd office cover all avenues of readiness and promotion for a successful event!

Please click HERE to use this form.