Faith milestones

The Faith Milestones Ministry is a faith formation practice for both home and congregation. As God’s family we have opportunity to pause at important moments in our journey of faith to celebrate God’s work, remember God’s faithfulness, and pass on faith in Jesus from one generation to the next by the power of the Holy Spirit. We call these meaningful, memorable moments in the lives of individuals, families, and our congregation Faith Milestones. Through these Faith Milestones, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church will help their families nurture their Christian faith by: 

  • Equipping families with practices to live out faith-at-home. 
  • Blessing individuals and marking the occasion with a celebration. 
  • Gifting with a special item to remember the moment and point God’s love. 
  • Connecting with the family of God, the congregation of Shepherd of the Hills, for support and encouragement.

Train up a child in the way he should go; Even when he is old he will not depart from it. 
Proverbs 22:6

Welcome to the family

Welcome to the Family recognizes, celebrates, and blesses God’s Children (of all ages!) who have been baptized in the past year at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church in the Rite of Holy Baptism. This first Faith Milestone includes a celebration and blessing during a Worship Service and a celebratory luncheon. 

Teach me to worship

Teach Me to Worship equips parents of two & three-year-old children as they learn about worship. A class for the parents during the Sunday School hour includes discussing worship with their young children and making a worship bag to mark this Faith Milestone. The children and their parents also receive a blessing during a Worship Service. 

Teach me to pray

Teach Me to Pray is a Faith Milestone recognizing and celebrating Preschool and Kindergarten students in their journey of faith. At this milestone, they are blessed by the congregation and their families during a Worship Service. The Teach Me to Pray Faith Milestone includes a class during the Sunday School hour for the parents of the Preschoolers and Kindergarteners. The class focuses on parents teaching their young children to pray through example and practice at home. A prayer book and prayer pillow are given as a gift. 

Teach Me God's Word | first bible

The Teach Me God’s Word: First Bible is the Faith Milestone where First and Second Graders receive a Bible during a worship service. During this service the students receive a blessing from their parents and the congregation as they continue their faith journey. A Teach Me God’s Word class for both students and their parents is held during the Sunday School hour. 

Teach me about god

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Teach Me To Give

Teach Me to Give is a Faith Milestone that recognizes and celebrates Third and Fourth Grade students in their journey of faith. At this milestone, they are blessed by the congregation and their families during a Worship Service. The Teach Me to Give Faith Milestone includes a class for the students and their parents to attend during the Sunday School hour. The class focuses on Christian Stewardship of God’s Treasure, Financial Literacy, and using God’s gift of treasure to bless others. A savings bank is given to the students to use as they learn to give. 

Teach me to serve

The Teach Me to Serve Faith Milestone explores ways in which Third and Fourth Graders can share their love for Jesus by serving others. Parents and students together attend a class on Serving Like Jesus. During a Worship Service the students receive a blessing from their parents and the congregation. The students and parents also participate in a serving event to be determined during the class. 

Growing in christ

The Growing in Christ Faith Milestone recognizes and celebrates the young believers on their journey of faith who are entering the  Pre-Confirmation class. They are blessed by the congregation and their families during a Worship Service. They receive their own copy of Luther’s Small Catechism as a gift. 

first communion

First Communion is a significant Faith Milestone event in the life of young believers. Through Communion we receive God’s forgiveness, are strengthened for service by God’s abiding love, and share in the abundance of living in a family of faith. Youth completing the second year of Confirmation are celebrated and blessed during a luncheon held before their First Communion on Maundy Thursday. 

confirmation | confirming baptismal vows

This Faith Milestone occurs at the completion of Confirmation instruction. Confirmands share their Confession of Faith, first spoken for them at Baptism, and become confirmed members of the Lutheran Church. During the Sunday School hour the Confirmands present their Statement of Faith. The Rite of Confirmation takes place during a Worship Service on Reformation Sunday. 

Click HERE for more information on Confirmation.

High school graduate blessing

Graduation from high school marks the beginning of life as an independent adult. It is a time young people move forward in making their own life decisions. We mark this joyful and sometimes challenging transition for our High School Graduates by recognizing and celebrating them with this Faith Milestone. During a Worship Service, the youth and their families are called forward, and the congregation sends them forth with God’s blessing. A cake reception is held to honor the graduates. Graduates create a display, which includes their past school life, past Faith Milestones, and future plans.