holy week services | 2024

The Joy Set before jesus

Our theme verse this year for our Lent and Holy week worship services is Philippians 4:4 'Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.'

While it may seem odd to associate “joy” with the season of Lent, it was for the joy set before Jesus that He came to give His life for the sins of the world and to bring the faithful to eternal life. It is because of Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection that we joyfully respond in prayer and praise. Come and experience the JOY of our salvation at Shepherd of the Hills!

Special Worship Services: 

Good Friday Tre-Ore |  March 29 | Noon-3pm 

Livestream Link for Tre-Ore Worship

Good Friday Tre-Ore Worship Folder

Good Friday Tenebrae |  March 29 | 7pm 

Livestream Link for Good Friday Tenebrae

Good Friday Tenebrae Worship Folder

Easter Sunrise |  March 31 | 6:30am 

Easter Sunrise Worship Folder

Easter |  March 31 | 8 & 10:45am

Livestream Link for 8am Easter Sunday

Livestream Link for 10:45am Easter Sunday

8 & 10:45am Traditional Worship Folder

10:45am Contemporary Worship Folder

easter breakfast

march 31 | 7-10am | Parish hall


Our annual SHYP Easter Breakfast is March 31, 7-10am in the Parish Hall. Join us before or after you worship our risen Lord! We'll have sweet & savory breakfast foods, coffee/juice, and a chance to catch up with others who go to breakfast the same time as you! Free Will Offering will be collected that morning. Suggested giving: $10 per person, $5 for kids. Funds go toward our High School (SHYP) Summer Mission Trip.

RSVP For Easter Breakfast Seating



You can make a greater impact in our High School (SHYP) Ministry by donating items for our Easter Breakfast! By donating items it'll help us cut down on how many ingredients we'll have to buy.

Easter Breakfast Food Item Donation Form