Xtreme & SHYP (5th-8th & 9th-12th grades) youth join us in the Parish Hall on Sunday, December 8, 4:30-7:30pm for games, food & a gift exchange! If you want to participate in the gift exchange bring a $10-$15 wrapped gift. RSVP to Sina so we know how much food to provide. 707-326-8666 or swilliams@sothfamily.org
Youth Christmas Party
Sunday, December 8 4:30-7:30pm
Breakfast with baby
December 14
The November Breakfast with Baby event started our 7th year of serving families who need assistance with items for their infants. After a devotion in English and Spanish, breakfast was served to 40 individuals from 19 families. They then shopped for diapers, wipes, children’s clothing and other available items. For the December 14 event, Size 5 & 6 diapers and wipes are needed. Assistance in set up at 7:30 am, providing a casserole, serving, visiting with and helping parents shop is greatly appreciated. Thank you for continuing to share God’s love!
Christmas Program
Sunday, December 15
Step into the story of Christmas as told through our Sunday School Christmas Program, 'The Promises of Christmas' on Sunday, December 15 at our 10:45 am Contemporary Service!
Our Sunday School children will bring to life the powerful Old Testament prophecies that foretold a Savior and show how these promises are gloriously fulfilled in the New Testament. Come celebrate the wonder of God’s faithfulness through song, story, and scripture!
A joyful Christmas reception will follow. Don’t miss this inspiring program—bring family and friends to experience the true reason for Christmas.