The lord calls us to worship!

A place for you to worship, praise,

and receive God's gifts.

Sunday Services:

8am Traditional Worship Service in the Sanctuary

This service will be live streamed.


9:30am Bible Studies and Sunday School 

For information on classes offered in-person and online, click HERE.


10:45am Contemporary Worship Service in the Gym

 This service will be live streamed.


10:45am Traditional Worship Service in the Sanctuary


You can find the recordings of our worship services HERE.

JOY  |  Jesus, Others, You

'Dear friends, be JOYful in the Lord.'

Philippians 3:1

Missionary of the Month

Tim & Beth Heiney | West Africa

Tim and Beth continue to reach out and provide spiritual support to the local tribes in West Africa. Their mission to spread the Gospel is to baptize and to teach others to lead small group studies. It is difficult because the majority of citizens are either Muslim or non-believers. Tim and Beth continue to travel throughout the country where most needed as well as within the villages that surround them. The government and tribal leaders are also many times in disarray or very oppressive, which is why Tim and Beth do not post on the internet or social media. They are associated with Global Lutheran Outreach. Please pray they can continue to spread the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ.


For more information on all of our missionaries, please visit our Missions Page. All missionaries raise their own funds for their mission and support.
