Breakfast with Baby started the new year on January 11 by serving 19 families and 45 children. After breakfast and a devotion in English and Spanish, families shopped for diapers, wipes, children’s clothing and other available items. For the February 8 event, Size 4 & 6 diapers and wipes are needed. It would also be very helpful to provide a casserole for the breakfast. As always, we can use help in setting up at 7:30am, serving guests and assisting them in shopping for baby items. Thank you for blessing this ministry.
February 8
Sunday, February 9
Parish Hall
Kickoff Super Bowl Sunday with this intergenerational event! For grandfriends and kids/youth from preschool to 12th grade. Even if you don’t have a grandfriend that you connect with through the year come and participate as we eat, share, and have a time of devotion together. For this brunch we’ll have a bit of “show & tell” at the tables so we ask both the younger & older folks to bring an item of importance to you so we can learn a little more about one another. If your item is too large to bring in please bring a photo of your item to share with your story. Questions? Ask Sina Williams, Jodie Stoltenow or Connie Rosel.
February 13
Please join us for the next Active Senior's Luncheon on Thursday, February 13. Coffee and Conversation begins at 10:30am in the Atrium, with Devotion, followed by lunch and a special program, starting at 11:15am in the Parish Hall. February's program is Lutheran High Jubilate Choir. No RSVP necessary, and a free will offering will be taken.